On this page you can find if the activities you booked are GO or NO GO.
A Green marker shows its a Go
A Orange marker shows we have doubt as we recommend before departure from home towards our location to make contact with us by phone +31618484985
A Red marker shows that the activity cannot go on due weather circumstances
Make sure you check this page ! Refresh this page often ! If you dont know for sure , make contact with us by phone +31618484985
Update 11:16 17-1-2025
Blokarting/beachsailing check info !
For Today its going to be wind still, there for the blokart sessions are a no go for today and tomorrow.
Looks better from tuesday and up
Blokarting is in all circumstances at your own risk!
Please reschedule by email reserveren@eventmaker.nl
Lasergame Outdoor session
Perfect weather, with a little sun till next week !
-Firm shoes are a necessity due the slippery underground in the early morning!!
Archery Sessions
Till monday is a Def Go for a good game of laser tag !
RIB experience closed til 1 april 2025
The experience is only allowed when you are FIT
Its a no go for people with BACK , NECK , KNEE , HEART , EPELEPTIC or any other condition or usage that deteremin your fysic state.
Boarding the ship is at your own risk in all circumstances
0,0% tolerance with Alchol and/or drugs
When you have questions about the Experiences contact the skipper directly on +31618484985
Powerkiting sessions
Sadly not enough wind for this weekend.
Please reschedule by email for a new date and time
What if my activity cannot proceed due the weather ?
When the weather is not compatibile with the activitiy of your choosing you can reschedule to another date and time by E-mail reserveren@eventmaker.nl By phone +31 6 18484985 or whatsapp +31618484985
Location of the activities
On the navigation you can follow the kennemerstrand 180; you can park behind the leonardo hotel. Once parked, walk onto the beach towards the activities. The map below shows you the exact spot of the activitie, be there 15 minutes before start !
Check list !
- Be on time on the location of the activities we have a thight schedule
- Dress according the weatherforecast
- For the blokarting sessions Bring Gloves and Sunglasses
- Bring a bottle of water
- Toilet break before the activitie, there is no toilet option during the program
- Bring rain gear when there is a possibility of rain!
- Consuming alcohol before or during the activities is not permitted! Participation will then be denied for the safety of yourself, other participants and other beach visitors.